Company Information


March 2010

Western Applied Technologies Inc. Combines “Highlands Soil & Water” and “BioLife” Divisions under New “HealthySoil” DBA

Western Applied Technologies Inc. is pleased to formally announce the consolidation of its agricultural division (“Highlands Soil & Water”) and its horticulture division (“BioLife”) under the new name HealthySoil. The Company will continue to provide customers with the same trusted, innovative soil management solutions.

From agriculture to golf courses, sports turf, and commercial landscapes/estate properties, HealthySoil offers soil management programs specific to its customers’ target that can reduce water usage and input costs while improving plant/crop quality and yield.

The HealthySoil soil management programs are the result of over 10 years of development with many field trials to support their effectiveness. The success of HealthySoil programs is underscored by the Company’s +100 satisfied customers and by its customer retention rate of nearly 100%.